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Home » 12 Best Ways to Fill any Large Holes in Wood | Machinoholic

12 Best Ways to Fill any Large Holes in Wood | Machinoholic

Have you ever had a large hole in your wood and been left with a dilemma – what to do? Believe it or not, there are several solutions to this problem, depending on the size and shape of the hole. In this article, we’ll show you the 12 best ways to fill any large holes in wood. So keep on reading!

Wood Filling Explained!

The wood filling is a type of insulation that is made from wood chips, sawdust, and turf. It has been found to be an effective way of insulating buildings due to its high thermal conductivity. Additionally, it has the ability to resist moisture penetration and mold growth.

Wood filler is also eco-friendly because it doesn’t release harmful pollutants into the environment, unlike traditional insulation materials like fiberglass or Styrofoam. 

In fact, studies have shown that when properly installed, the wood filler can actually improve air quality by absorbing smog and other toxins before they reach lung tissue.

12 Best Ways to Fill any Large Holes in Wood

Here are 12 effective ways to fill large holes in wood:

Sawdust & Glue

There are a number of effective ways to fill large holes in wood. One popular option is sawdust and glue. Sawdust is made up of small pieces of wood that have been cut into small pieces. 

Glue is a substance that helps the sawdust bind together. When you apply glue to the hole, it will help to seal the surface so that the wood doesn’t rot.

How to Use It

  • Start by drilling a small hole in the wood where you want the new hole to go. This will make it easier to insert the Sawdust & Glue into the hole.
  • Add Sawdust & Glue to the hole until it’s completely full. Make sure that you mix the Sawdust & Glue well so that it’s evenly distributed throughout the hole.
  • Leave the glue and sawdust in place for at least 24 hours before removing it. This will help ensure a strong bond between your wood and glue.


The main advantage of using Sawdust & Glue is that it’s a fast and easy way to fix small damage. It dries quickly and is resistant to moisture, so it’s perfect for use in areas that are constantly wet or humid. 

Additionally, Sawdust & Glue is an eco-friendly solution because it doesn’t require any special tools or equipment.


However, there are some disadvantages to using Sawdust & Glue. First of all, it’s not the most durable option – the glue can start to fail after a while, and the sawdust can start to get messy. 

Moreover, this method is only suitable for small repairs; if you need something that will hold up against repeated use, then you’ll need to look elsewhere.

Spackling Paste

Another most popular way to fix holes in wood is spackling paste. Spackling paste is a mixture of water, lime, and sand that’s used to fill cracks and gaps in the wood. It’s also used to create a finish on wood surfaces.

How to Use It

  • To use spackling paste, you first need to mix it with water. 
  • Then, you apply the mixture to the hole or crack using a putty knife or a brush. 
  • You should be careful not to apply too much of the past, as this may cause damage to the wood surface. 
  • Finally, you let it dry overnight before painting or finishing the surface.


Advantages of spackling paste include:

  • It’s a fast and easy way to fix holes in wood.
  • It’s water-based, which means it’s safe to use and leaves no staining or residue.
  • It sticks well to most surfaces, so it can be used on a wide variety of materials.
  • It has a long shelf life, so you can stock up on it and avoid running out. 
  • It’s affordable, making it a good option for budget-minded homeowners. 


Disadvantages of spackling paste include: 

  • It doesn’t work well with softwood or unfinished wood because the paste may not bond properly to these materials. 
  • It can take some time for the paste to dry, so you may have to wait several hours before using it again.

Wood Putty

Wood putty is an effective way to fill large holes in wood without having to spend a lot of money or time on repairs. It’s also easy to use, so you won’t have any trouble getting the job done right. 

It is a type of glue that’s made from natural ingredients like water, sand, and clay. It’s very durable and can be used to repair just about any kind of damage to wood — from small holes to large cracks. 

How to Use It

  • To use Wood Putty, first clean the area you want to fix up with soap and water. 
  • Then, spread the putty over the hole in the wood, making sure to cover all of it. 
  • Make sure that the putty is smooth and level, then wait for it to dry.
  • Once it’s dry, you can screw or nail it into place using screws or nails (make sure that the nails are perpendicular to the surface).


The main advantage of wood putty is that it is an affordable and easy way to fix small holes and cracks in the wood. It can also be used to patch larger gaps or repairs, and it dries quickly so you can finish the job quickly.


However, there are some disadvantages as well. First of all, wood putty is not particularly strong or durable, so it may not be suitable for more severe damage. 

Additionally, it’s not advisable to use wood putty if there are any moisture problems in the area where the repair will be made – this stuff won’t hold up under wet conditions.

Wood Candle

The wood candle is made from thin slices of wood that are then soaked in a hot wax mixture. The slices are then put into the wax and left to dry. This creates a long, thin candle that can be used to fill large holes in wood or other surfaces. 

Since a wood candle is made from thin slices of wood, it doesn’t damage the surface it’s inserted into, and it can easily be removed without leaving any trace behind. This makes it an ideal choice for use in areas where cosmetic damage isn’t an issue, like furniture or walls.

How to Use It

  • Drill a small hole near the edge of the hole that you want to fill. This hole needs to be big enough so that the candle can fit easily but not too big, or it will not work properly.
  • Pour the wax into the drilled hole and light the candle. The heat from the flame will melt the wax and fill in the hole. 
  • Leave the candle burning until it goes out on its own, or put it out with a lighter if you want to continue burning it throughout.


Advantages of using wood candles as fillers for large holes in wood include:

  • They’re environmentally friendly because they’re made from natural materials. 
  • They’re affordable because you can buy them in bulk. 
  • They’re easy to handle and transport since they DON’T contain any flammable substances. 
  • They produce relatively little smoke, which is beneficial if you want to keep your home or office smelling nice. 


Disadvantages of using wood candles as fillers for large holes in wood include: 

  • If the hole is too large, the candle may not be able to reach all the way through the hole. This could result in it not burning properly or even catching on fire. 
  • The heat from the candle may cause damage to the surrounding wooden surface.

Wood Filler

This is a substance that’s used to fill in small cracks and gaps in the wood. It’s made out of various chemicals and materials, and it can be sprayed or injected into the hole. 

Once it’s been applied, the filler will start to harden and form a solid layer around the hole. 

How to Use It

  • To use wood filler, first, make sure that the surface you’re going to use it on is clean and free from any dust or dirt. 
  • Then, apply a small amount to the hole using a brush or applicator. 
  • Make sure to coat the entire surface of the hole and let the filler dry for at least an hour before touchin
  • g it again. 
  • Once the filler is dry, you can start sanding it off if you want a smooth finish. 
  • If you want to add extra detail, you can also paint or stain it afterward. And that’s all there is to it!


  • Wood filler is a cheap and easy way to fill large holes in wood. 
  • It’s effective and doesn’t require a lot of skill or experience to use. 
  • It can be used in a variety of places, including inside the wood and on the outside. 
  • It’s not permanent, so you can easily sand it down if you want to change the look or color of the wood. 


  • Wood filler can be difficult to remove once it’s been applied, so make sure you plan for that when choosing which type to use. 
  • If used incorrectly, it can cause damage to your wood surface, so be aware of that before starting work.

Two-Part Epoxy

Two-part epoxy is a great way to fill large holes in wood. It’s a two-component system that requires no sanding or prepping, and it can be applied in just minutes using a brush or spray gun.

How to Use It

  • The first step is to mix the two components together in a plastic container. 
  • Then, you applicate the epoxy by spraying it into the hole from a distance of about 3 feet. 
  • You should wait about 30 minutes for the epoxy to set before you start sanding it down.
  • Once it’s completely cured, you can finish sanding and sealing the wood with a sealant like polyurethane.


  • It’s a quick and simple way to fill large holes in wood. 
  • It’s durable and can last for several years. 
  • It’s easy to apply and doesn’t require a lot of skill or experience. 
  • It’s relatively inexpensive. 
  • You can use it on any type of wood, including plywood, MDF, and hardwood. 


  • It can be difficult to sand down after it’s been applied, which may result in some unsightly scratches.

Toothpicks & Wood Glue

Toothpicks and wood glue are two popular ways to fill large holes in wood. Toothpicks can be used to create small holes, while wood glue can be used to create larger ones.

Toothpicks are the least invasive option, as they don’t damage the wood surface. They’re also easy to remove once the hole is ready for use. 

Wood glue, on the other hand, can be more permanent than toothpicks and may require a little more finesse when using it. However, it’s also the most versatile option, as it can be used for a wide range of purposes.

How to Use It

  • Simply insert one end into the hole and twist it around until it comes out the other side. 
  • Then, apply a small amount of wood glue to the end that’s coming out of the hole and press it back inside. 
  • You can also use a toothpick as a tool to spread wood glue more easily over a large area.


  • Toothpicks don’t require a lot of force to insert, making them ideal for delicate areas where precision is important. 
  • Once the toothpick is inside the hole, the glue will hold it securely in place. 
  • It’s easy to remove the toothpick once the glue has set. 
  • The glue can be applied in a number of different ways, allowing you to create a variety of textures and patterns. 
  • It’s relatively non-toxic, so you won’t have to worry about your fingers getting stuck while you’re working.


  • Because toothpicks are so thin, they can easily break when inserted into hardwood. 
  • If the toothpick becomes loose or broken, it may be difficult to remove it without damaging the wood even further.

Baking Soda & Vinegar

Baking soda is a natural abrasive that helps to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from wood. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a highly acidic substance that helps to break down the wood’s outer layer. 

This causes it to swell up and plug the hole, preventing insects or water from entering.

How to Use It

  • To use baking soda, simply sprinkle it over the hole and wait until it has been absorbed by the wood. 
  • Then, pour a little vinegar over the baking soda and mix well. 
  • This will help to break down the wood’s surface even further and prevent insects or water from entering.

Vinegar can also be used in a similar way as baking soda; just mix it with water before sprinkling it over the hole. However, note that it may cause some damage if spilled on the skin or clothing.


The advantage of baking soda is that it is a powerful cleaner and odor eliminator. It also helps to restore the pH balance of the wood, which helps to stop moisture from rotting the wood. 


The disadvantage of baking soda is that it can be a bit harsh on the skin and mucous membranes, so it should only be used in cases where there is no other option. Vinegar also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. 

The advantage of vinegar is that it’s an effective cleaner and neutralises odours. It’s also good for restoring the pH balance of wood, preventing moisture from rotting it. However, vinegar can cause damage if it gets into your eyes or ears, so you should use caution when using this ingredient.

Acrylic Caulking

Acrylic caulk is a type of sealant that is used to fill large holes in wood. It is a popular choice for people who want an easy, fast, and affordable way to fix small imperfections in the wood. Acrylic caulk is also effective at protecting the wood from moisture and damage.

There are a few different types of acrylic caulk, each with its own unique properties and uses. The most common type of acrylic caulk is silicone-based caulking, which is used to fill cracks and crevices in wood. It’s also excellent for sealing joints between boards or furniture pieces. 

How to Use It

  • To use acrylic caulk, first clean the area you’re going to cover with water and soap. 
  • Then, use a rag to rub the surface of the hole you’re trying to fill with the glue until it’s completely covered. 
  • Next, pour some acrylic caulking into the hole until it’s up to the level of the surrounding wood. 
  • Finally, use a putty knife or other tool to smooth out the caulking and make sure it’s fully sealed.


The main advantage of using acrylic caulk is that it is a fast and easy way to fill any large hole in wood. It is also relatively waterproof, which means that it can be used to seal gaps and cracks in walls and ceilings.


On the downside, acrylic caulk is not the most durable option when it comes to protecting wood against moisture. Additionally, it can be difficult to remove once it has been applied, which can lead to problems if you need to make changes or repairs later on.

Wooden Dowels

Another effective way to fill holes in wood is using wooden dowels. Dowels can be made from many different materials, but the most common ones are wooden dowels and metal dowels. Wooden dowel shapes include round, octagonal, oval, and teardrop-shaped dowels.

How to Use It

  • When using wooden dowels, you need to make sure that they’re straight and that the holes they’re going into are at the right angle. 
  • You also need to make sure that the hole is big enough so that the Dowell doesn’t become loose or wobbly when it’s in use. 
  • Once you have your dowel ready, you can start by inserting it into the hole until it’s flush with the surface of the wood. 
  • Then, you should coat it with wood glue and wait for it to dry completely before securing it in place with a screw or nails.


Wooden dowels are a great way to fill any large holes in wood. They’re particularly useful for repairing boards that have been damaged by nails or screws, as they’re much less likely to split than traditional wooden boards.


Wooden dowels can be a little bit tricky to use. You need to be careful not to bend them too much, or they’ll snap. Additionally, they may not hold the filler material in place very well, so you may end up having to re-apply it every few hours or so.

Polyester Paste

The polyester paste is a type of adhesive that can be used to fill large holes in wood. It is a hybrid compound made of polyurethane and epoxy. It’s often used as a sealant and paint because it has good water resistance and durability. 

It’s a strong adhesive that can hold even heavy objects, and it can be applied using a variety of tools, like a caulking gun or drill.

How to Use It

  • To use polyester paste, you will first need to prepare the area where you want the hole to be filled. 
  • You can do this by sanding down any rough edges or cracks, then applying a layer of polyester paste over the area. 
  • Make sure that the entire surface is covered, and then wait for it to dry. 
  • Once it’s dry, you can sand it down and finish up by painting or staining the surface as you see fit.


The advantage of using polyester paste is that it is a very effective adhesive, and it can be used in a wide range of conditions. This means that it can be used on both dry and wet surfaces, making it perfect for use in both indoor and outdoor environments.


The downside of using polyester paste is that it is not the most durable adhesive, and it may require frequent maintenance if you want it to last long. Additionally, the polyester paste can be difficult to apply evenly, so you may end up with noticeable gaps between the wood pieces.

Wooden Plugs

Wooden plugs are a great way to fill large holes in wood without having to use traditional wood glue or screws. They’re made from natural woods like mahogany, oak, birch, and pine, and they come in different sizes to fit any size hole. 

They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be fitted easily into holes using screws or nails. Once they’re in place, they help to keep the wood wet and protected, preventing it from drying out and becoming brittle. 

Wooden plugs can also be painted or stained to match your furniture, making them look even more like part of the design.

How to Use It

  • To use wooden plugs, simply drill a small hole in the plug and insert it into the hole in the wood. 
  • Then, tighten the screw until it’s securely in place. 
  • You can also use wooden plugs as an alternative to dowels when building furniture or cabinets.


The advantage of using wooden plugs is that they are environmentally friendly and easy to install. They are also less likely to cause damage than metal plugs, which can often leave rust marks on the wood.


However, there are several disadvantages to using wooden plugs as well. One disadvantage is that they don’t last as long as metal plugs and may need replacing more frequently. 

Another disadvantage is that they can be difficult to remove once they’ve been inserted into the wood, especially if the plug is larger than the hole in the wood.

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