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The Complete Guide to Black Locust Wood | Machinoholic

If you’re looking for a natural and unique piece of furniture, you’ll want to consider black locust wood. This beautiful wood is made from the inner bark of the black locust tree and is prized for its dark colour, grain, and unique texture. 

Not to mention, black locust wood is a sustainable resource – it’s hard enough to process, but it doesn’t degrade over time like many other kinds of wood do. If you’re interested in adding this beautiful wood to your home, we’ve put together a complete guide to help you get started.

Black Locust Tree Facts

  • The black locust tree is a large deciduous tree that can grow to be up to 40 feet tall and have a trunk diameter of up to 8 feet. 
  • The wood of the black locust tree is extremely dense and strong, making it perfect for use in furniture, tools, carriages, and other construction projects. It’s also used in the manufacture of musical instruments like violins and cellos.
  • Another great thing about black locusts is that it’s environmentally friendly. Unlike other woods, which require a lot of resources to be grown and harvested, black locusts can be found in almost any part of the world.
  • It’s also easy to work with, which means you can make furniture, cabinets, doors, and other items without having to worry about the wood being too soft or too difficult to handle.

Black Locust Wood Uses

For Buildings

Black Locust Wood is a popular wood choice for use in buildings because of its strength and durability. It’s also resistant to rot and decay, which means it can last for many years without deterioration. Additionally, it has a rich colour that can easily be replicated using wood paint or stains.

Black Locust Wood is a great option for exterior walls and roofs because of its resistance to weathering and erosion. It also has a high fire-resistance rating, which makes it ideal for use in buildings that are subject to frequent fires.

Source of Fuel

Black locust wood is a rare and expensive type of wood that is used for decorative purposes, such as furniture and cabinetmaking. It’s also used for fuel because it has a high burning rate and low moisture content.

The high burning rate means that black locust wood can be used to create a wide range of different items, such as torches, stoves, chimneys, and even missiles. In fact, it’s the primary fuel source for some types of fire arrows.

Compared to other types of wood, black locust wood has a very low moisture content which makes it easy to work with. This is why it’s so popular among craftsmen who need to work with delicate materials like ivory or ebony.

Black Locust Wood Furniture

Black locust wood is a natural product that’s taken from the branches of the black locust tree. This tree grows in warm climates, such as South America, Africa, and parts of Asia. The wood is dense but lightweight, which makes it perfect for furniture because it doesn’t need much structural support. 

Another great thing about black locust wood furniture is its appearance. Unlike other types of wooden furniture, which can either look dated or modernised too quickly, black locust wood has a natural appearance that remains consistent over time. It also has a deep colour that’s beautiful both indoors and outdoors. 

Qualities of Black Locust Wood

The Strength of Black Locust Wood

Black Locust Wood is very strong and durable, which makes it a popular choice for furniture, doors, and other construction materials. It’s also quite versatile – it can be used for various types of woodworking projects, including framing, carpentry, and finish work.

One of the main reasons why Black Locust Wood is so strong and durable is its tight grain structure. This means that the wood fibres are tightly packed together, which makes it resistant to damage from moisture and stress. Additionally, the wood is also oiled before being shipped out to ensure that it arrives in good condition.

Overall, Black Locust Wood is a quality product that offers great value for money.


Black Locust wood is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly woods on the market. Not only is it a beautiful and elegant wood, but it also has a long lifespan and can be used in a variety of different ways.

Black Locust trees are native to the United States, and they’re typically found in areas that receive a lot of rainfall. They’re also tolerant of harsh weather conditions, which means they can be used in exterior applications like decking, furniture, or even building structures.

The wood doesn’t require any treatments or chemicals to keep it looking or feeling great, which makes it a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers.


Black locust wood is considered to be one of the most durable woods on earth. It’s very strong and can resist rot, moisture, and other environmental damage. This makes it a perfect choice for items that need to last for a long time, like furniture or cabinets.

Another advantage of black locust wood is that it’s naturally resistant to insect infestation. This means that it won’t suffer from damage caused by bugs or other pests, which can often ruin wooden furniture. In fact, black locust wood is even said to repel insects!

Overall, black locust wood is a great choice for items that need to be able to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.

The Pros of Black Locust Trees

Erosion Control

Black locust trees are excellent choices for erosion control because they’re resistant to both water and wind erosion. They also have a high tolerance for urban environments, which makes them perfect for places like parking lots and streets.

Their dark green leaves are also very effective at absorbing sunlight and heat, which helps to keep the ground cool in summer and warm in winter. This is especially beneficial for areas that get cold winters or hot summers.

Black Locust Trees are fast-growing trees that can reach a height of up to 25 feet within just 10 years. This means that they can quickly cover large areas with their dense foliage, reducing the risk of soil erosion and sedimentation.

Their long branches distribute the weight of the tree more evenly, reducing the chances of damage from winds or floods. Furthermore, their branching structure makes them highly effective at trapping wind and air bubbles, which helps to reduce water runoff and flooding.

And last but not least, their deep roots help to stabilise the soils and resist compression from heavy loads.

Wildlife Friendly

There are a number of reasons why Black Locust Trees are considered to be wildlife friendly. First of all, they are extremely slow-growing trees. This means that they don’t take up a lot of space, and they can be easily incorporated into any environment without impacting the surrounding wildlife.

Another benefit of Black Locust Trees is their bark. The bark is thick and tough, which makes it difficult for animals to break through it. Additionally, the tree’s locomotion is also quite slow, meaning that it doesn’t create much noise when it moves. This makes it an ideal choice for areas near sensitive wildlife habitats.

Finally, Black Locust Trees provide plenty of nutrients and water to nearby creatures. They also have strong branches and foliage, which helps in shading other plants and protecting them from the sun’s UV radiation.

Beautiful Fragrant Flowers

Black locust trees are some of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers in the world. They grow quickly and have recognizable cone-shaped leaves. The flowers are mostly white, but they also have a range of other colours, including blues, purples, and yellows.

The flowers of black locust trees are highly prized for their unique fragrance. They’re particularly popular in Asia, where they’re used in traditional medicines and perfumes. Their scent is said to be refreshing and calming, perfect for relaxing moods or as an antidepressant.


Black Locust trees are Rot-resistant, meaning they resist fungus and other diseases that can damage or kill other trees. Additionally, they’re drought-tolerant and have a low growth rate, which means you won’t need to allocate as many resources to maintain them over the long term. 

They can last up to 100 years without any damage. They also produce a lot of leaves, which helps to keep the tree hydrated.

The Downside of Black Locust Trees


Black locust trees are known for their thorns, which can cause some serious damage to the skin if they get caught in the wrong place. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to get injuries from them every year.

The thorny branches of black locust trees are actually designed to protect the tree against herbivores like deer and cattle. These animals try to eat the leaves and flowers of the tree but end up getting stuck in the thorns instead. The sharp edges of these branches quickly puncture their skin, causing them great pain and even death.


Other downsides to black locust trees are their aggressive nature. These trees are able to grow very tall and fast and can become a major nuisance if they’re not controlled properly. They can also cause extensive damage to property, as well as obstruct sunlight and airflow in the area.

How Long Does It Take Black Locust to Rot?

Black Locust wood rot very slowly, typically taking around 20 years to completely decompose. This slow process is due in part to its high density and tight grain, which makes it resistant to decay. Additionally, Black Locust’s natural oils prevent the wood from drying out and cracking. 

During the rotting time, the wood will turn a dark brown colour and emit an unpleasant odour. Occasionally small pieces of decaying wood may fall off the tree, or large branches may break off; in these cases, it is important to avoid contact with the rotten material.

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